Natural Ways to Protect Gums

Coconut Oil in a bottle and coconut split in half.At Dental Partners of Boston, we love to help our patients make good choices related to their oral health. We care about each one of our patients, and we work to create an environment that is welcoming and calming for them.

Our team will listen to each one of our patient’s needs and concerns and do everything we can to address them. We respect you and listen to you; we won’t just hurry you through a system and rush you out the door.

Gum disease, or periodontal disease as it is often called, impacts many people. It is important to make good dental health care choices in order to prevent gum disease and other serious oral health problems.

Prevent Gum Disease

Here are some ways to prevent gum disease.

  • Maintain daily habits such as flossing and brushing.
  • Avoid behaviors such as consuming too much sugary soda.
  • Stop smoking or using other tobacco products.
  • Go to the dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.

Along with these habits, there are many foods that can help prevent the spread or onset of gum disease. These natural foods can help maintain a healthy mouth and a bright smile.

Two ingredients in natural foods that can prevent gum disease are licorice root and coconut oil. In 2012 a study conducted by the American Chemical Society found that licorice root can kill two kinds of bacteria known to cause cavities and have been linked to gum disease. Licorice root can have certain side effects if overused, so it is important to talk to your doctor first.

Coconut Oil

Another study done in 2012 by the Society for General Microbiology found that coconut oil can fight Streptococcus bacteria. This bacteria has been found to cause tooth decay. Some patients may be familiar with coconut oil pulling, which has shown some benefit to those that practice it, along with routine oral hygiene habits. Further research is needed on this method. Nothing can replace daily brushing and flossing to keep your mouth healthy.

Schedule an Appointment

One of the best ways to prevent gum disease is to regularly see a dentist. At Dental Partners of Boston, we can screen for gum disease and treat it once it starts. We can also advise you and help you maintain good oral hygiene habits to prevent gum disease before it starts. Our friendly staff is happy to schedule an appointment at a time that works best for you.

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