4 Signs it’s Time to Have Your Dentures Refitted

A women smiling with perfect dentures
Smile easily, and feel like yourself, with dentures that fit right.

Today’s dentures are designed to be comfortable and long-lasting, but that doesn’t mean they are indestructible. They are an excellent solution for various oral health issues. They can reduce pain and discomfort related to lost or damaged teeth and enhance your confidence in your daily interactions.

However, over time, dentures that used to be comfortable can start causing you pain or sometimes slip while eating or speaking. There is nothing wrong with that since your mouth structure will change over time. You might find, for example, that where there wasn’t a pressure point before, there is now. This is normal and can be fixed with a denture realignment.

If you are tired of wearing dentures and want a permanent solution, dental implants are an excellent alternative. Dental implants are replacement tooth roots where the implants provide a strong foundation for fixed or removable replacement teeth. Dental implants appear and function like natural teeth.

Dentures, however, are still an excellent option and should last you between 5-7 years with regular maintenance. Unfortunately, dentures go through wear and tear with daily use, and they may just not fit like they used to. When that happens, your dentures will need refitting. If you are not sure when to contact us for refitting, just give us a call! In the meantime, here are some signs to look out for:

1. Dentures are Getting Loose

Loose dentures are one of the first signs that you need to come in for a denture realignment. If you notice your dentures are not fitting like they once did and are loosening frequently, get them refitted right away. If you don’t address the problem early enough, it may lead to other oral health complications.

2. Difficulty Speaking Clearly

Over time your dentures may become loose, making it difficult to communicate appropriately. When they are loose, you may sound slushy and slur your words. To speak clearly again, talk to us about refitting or replacing your dentures as soon as possible.

3. Presence of Pressure Sores

If you have pressure sores, or any pain while wearing your dentures, there is a high possibility that the structure of your mouth has changed so your dentures don’t fit anymore. For example, the jaw bone will recede in the absence of teeth. The denture doesn’t situate as securely in place as it did before. This could lead to pressure sores. They mainly develop on your gums, where the dentures put more pressure.

The pressure applied to your dentures should distribute evenly across your gums and underlying bone. Please contact us quickly if you feel pain while wearing your dentures.

4. Denture Fractures or Breaks

If your dentures have dents or cracks this can lead to other injuries in your mouth. Impacted food may that is hard to remove can lead to bad breath. Be sure to check for any fractures in your dentures while you clean them. If you see anything that concerns you, please give us a call.

Dentures are an excellent solution for missing teeth. However, they must be properly fitting to enjoy their benefits. You don’t have to live with denture pain. We can adjust your dentures to fit perfectly so they are comfortable again. Please contact us or request an appointment today for denture refitting.

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