Snoring? Try Using a Snore Guard

Man sleeping. Caption: Snoring may be related to sleep apnea

Snoring is one of the most noticeable signs of sleep apnea. It can have a serious effect on your sleep and the sleep of your loved ones. Left untreated, it can contribute to serious health complications including heart disease and diabetes. Fortunately, treatment is simple. Dental Partners of Boston offers snore guards to keep your airway open and help you get a decent night’s sleep.

Sleep Apnea and Blocked Airways

The tongue and soft palate blocking your airway while you sleep is the cause of sleep apnea snoring. In a healthy mouth, the muscle tone of the tongue keeps it up out of the way. However, in a patient with sleep apnea, the tongue sags back into the mouth, causing snoring and halts breathing. While at first glance this is only an annoyance, sleep apnea is linked to more dangerous conditions and should be treated as soon as possible.

A Simple Treatment

The snore guard helps keep your airway clear while you sleep. It keeps the tongue and jaw from dropping back, allowing you to breathe easily, and quietly. A snore guard, properly fitted and consistently worn, will provide a peaceful night’s rest.

Ease and Comfort

Unlike many sleep apnea machines, the snore guard is a small, simple appliance with no masks, hoses, power supplies, or noise. Similar to an athletic mouthguard, you put the snore guard in your mouth but it doesn’t interfere with your sleep. It is made of flexible plastic and molds to your mouth for the greatest comfort to keep your airway open.

Make your Appointment

If you are interested in a snore guard, schedule an appointment at Dental Partners of Boston. Call our office today or request an appointment online. There’s no reason to live with interrupted rest.

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