Is Chewing Gum Bad For Your Teeth?

Woman blowing a bubble with gum. Caption: The pros and cons of chewing gum

GUM IS FUN! It is fun to chew and usually has a great taste. It has a lot of perks, too. It can relieve stress and keep your mouth moist, and, if sugarless, it can clean right after a meal.

Don’t Go Too Wild, Though

Gum has some pretty unappealing side effects for your teeth too. Here are a few things to consider if you or someone you know is a chronic and consistent gum chewer.

Are You Experiencing TMJ And Migraine Headaches?

Constantly chewing gum can strain your jaw and trigger TMJ. When your jaw is overused, the muscles in your jaw might contract causing pain in your head and neck.

Many studies have been done showing a link between migraine headaches and teenagers who chew gum consistently.

Is It Sugarless?

More and more people are switching to sugar-sweetened gum to avoid the laxative properties of artificially sweetened gum. Hey, we don’t blame you. But, chewing sugary gum will line your teeth with sugar and cause tooth decay.

On the other hand, sugarless gum encourages saliva flow and can clean your teeth after a meal. We recommend gum flavored with xylitol, a natural sweetener that can actually fight against tooth decay.

Does It Curb Your Appetite, Or Encourage You To Eat More Junk Food?

There is an unproven myth that chewing gum curbs appetite and helps with weight loss. We have noticed the opposite.

After chewing flavored gum, more people reach for potato chips than carrots because the flavor in the gum makes vegetables and fruits taste bitter.

Chewing Gum Is Not A Bad Thing!

It is good in moderation, so be careful not to overdo it. Look for gum sweetened with xylitol, and let us know if you think you’re experiencing TMJ symptoms – we can help.

Have questions? Contact us at Dental Partners of Boston.

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