Dental Implant Supported Dentures

Woman smiling. Caption: Dental implants can restore your beautiful smile.

If you’ve lost some or all of your natural teeth, it’s important to understand that there are options out there. Some people may assume that once you start to lose your teeth, you have to rely on false teeth. However, there are some incredible modern treatment options available.

Gone are the days of using dentures soaked in a glass of water by the bedside. Today’s patients can enjoy beautiful, natural-looking, functional smiles with minimal hassle.

One of the most impressive treatment options on offer for those who have missing teeth is dental implant-supported dentures.

What Is an Implant-Supported Denture?

Implant-supported dentures are an increasingly popular alternative to conventional dentures. Dentures are a set of prosthetic teeth to replace lost natural teeth. They restore functionality to the mouth that enables you to eat and speak clearly. They also build your confidence when you smile.

Dentures have a lot of advantages, but there is a risk of slipping and becoming loose. If ill-fitted, they can cause irritation and sore spots in the mouth. To combat common issues, dentists recommend dental implant-supported dentures.

Sometimes called implant-retained dentures, dental implants secure the prosthetics in the mouth rather than by natural suction of the gums.

Dental implants are titanium devices that have ridges similar to screws. They screw into the jaw bone acting as replacement tooth roots.

What Is The Difference Between Implant Supported Dentures & Traditional Dentures?

If you’re thinking about getting implant-supported dentures in Boston, it’s understandable to have questions about which is the best investment—implant-supported or traditional? The main difference is either the gums or an adhesive hold conventional dentures in place, while dental implants secure an implant-supported denture.

While traditional dentures may rub against the gums, causing irritation and pain, there is no risk of this happening with implants. Implants also help to reduce the risk of bone loss, as they stimulate the bone. With implant-supported dentures, you can also have comfort in knowing that no foods are off-limits.

Which Option Is Best For Me?

Traditional dentures are significantly cheaper than implant-supported dentures, but implants increase stability and enhance functionality. In the long term, implant-retained dentures are an excellent solution to missing teeth. They will make you feel like you have a healthy, beautiful natural smile again. If you’re unsure which path to take, our team of dentists can help you decide based on your situation.

Dental implants are increasingly popular because they offer amazing benefits for patients who have lost their natural teeth. If you’re exploring your options, and you’d like to learn more about implant-supported dentures in Boston, then schedule an appointment today.

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