5 Simple Habits That Help Get Rid Of Plaque

Woman brushing her teeth. Caption: A plaque-free smile is only a few habits away.

A STICKY SUBSTANCE KNOWN AS PLAQUE is formed when bacteria in your mouth combined with sugars from the food you eat attach themselves to your teeth. If plaque stays on your teeth too long, it can harden, become tartar, and lead to oral and general health problems. Your team at Dental Partners of Boston provides the following tips to help you avoid the negative effects of plaque:

Five Simple Habits That Help You Get Rid of Plaque

  1. Brush softly, twice a day. If it doesn’t sit too long on your teeth, gentile brushing can easily remove plaque. So don’t forget to brush!
  2. Floss the areas your toothbrush can’t reach. Flossing helps remove the plaque between your teeth and your gumline. Antibacterial mouth rinses also help.
  3. Go to your regular dental visits. Our dental team can help find and remove any plaque you may have missed. Remember, you need a professional to remove plaque that has hardened into tartar. Professional cleanings help prevent cavities and gum disease.
  4. Eat teeth-cleaning foods. Certain foods like crunchy vegetables and unpeeled fruits help remove plaque. They’re good for your oral and general health!
  5. Go easy on the sweets. Sugar contributes to plaque formation because the bacteria feed on it and produce acids that damage the tooth enamel. Sugary snacks and sticky foods are really bad for your dental health, so eat them sparingly.

Be Prompt and Consistent

Remember, the key to removing plaque is promptness and consistency. Clean your teeth soon after eating and never skip your oral hygiene routine or regular dental visits! If you have additional questions about removing plaque or your oral health, contact us.

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