Small Changes Can Make A Big Difference

HESITATING ABOUT YOUR SMILE MAKEOVER? We know— as exciting as our services look, “smile makeover” sounds like it could get overwhelming.

But you don’t need to make huge changes to make a significant difference in your smile. Here at Dental Partners of Boston, we know how to work with you and your needs. So here are some little things that can make a huge difference in your smile:

  1. Whitening: There’s a reason it’s one of the most popular procedures available today. Just an hour or so in our office can make your smile brighter and more dynamic than you’ve ever seen it before.
  2. Cosmetic Bonding: Dental bonding is a procedure where we put a resin—sort of like a patch—on your tooth or teeth and match it exactly to your natural shade. This can cover cracks, gaps, or even serrated teeth to give your smile a more complete, matched look.
  3. Onlays and Inlays: Onlays and inlays are specially designed ceramic pieces that fit into the empty parts of your smile like puzzle pieces. With our Cerec technology, this procedure can be done in one visit. It’s an easy, noninvasive way to fix up problem spaces in your mouth.
  4. Regular Checkups And Good Dental Habits: Simply doing the basics of dental health will help the appearance of your mouth more than anything else. Brushing and rinsing discourages staining. Flossing will protect against gum disease and tooth loss.  And your regular check-ups help us make sure no major damage happens.

So don’t hold back anymore, thinking that your ideal smile is out of reach. A beautiful, confident smile makes a major difference in your life. And small procedures from us can make a major difference in your smile.

Give us a call and request a consultation. We want you to have your very best smile. And be sure to visit our Facebook page!

As always, thanks for being our valued patient!

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