Is Oral Surgery Right for You?

Elderly woman with dentist smiling. Caption: Advanced dental procedures by Dental Partners of Boston

Although you might cringe the instant your dentist says the word “surgery,” there are some instances when cutting into your gum tissue might be the only way to make things right. Just like any other operation, some types of oral surgery are relatively minor. For example, procedures like root canals and dental extractions can be handled by most general dentists.

However, more advanced procedures, such as dental implants or jawbone corrections, may need to be done by oral surgery. This is where we come in. Dental Partners of Boston only employs dental professionals who have demonstrated excellence in their fields so you get exemplary dental care. Here is a little more information about oral surgery, and how it can benefit your smile.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

If impacted wisdom teeth are allowed to sit stagnant in the back of your jaw, they can eventually cause pain, swelling, and even serious infections. Some patients even present with painful cysts that develop as a result of wisdom teeth. This can disrupt normal eating and talking. Wisdom teeth can also crowd out your other teeth, destroying years of careful orthodontic treatment. For these reasons, the Dental Partners of Boston recommend having impacted wisdom teeth removed.

Dental Implants

When teeth go missing, it can affect more than just your appearance. Because your teeth provide stimulation to your jawbone, missing teeth can cause your jawbone to resorb. This resorption can change your face shape and affect your ability to have repairs made in the future. In fact, studies have shown that people can lose as much as 25% of their jawbone ridge within the first year of having a missing tooth.

Fortunately, dental implants, which are false teeth implanted directly into your jaw, can recreate this stimulation and keep your jawbone healthy. Dental implants also match your existing teeth perfectly. At Dental Partners of Boston, we employ both restorative dentistry professionals and periodontists, so that your dental implants look and feel as natural as possible.

Jaw Problems

Trauma, congenital birth defects, or issues with your temporomandibular joint can all affect the alignment of your jaw. Your teeth alignment can affect your personal comfort and dental health. If the jaw closes improperly, it can create tension in your neck and facial muscles. This tension can give patients headaches or lead to sore muscles. Jaw alignment problems can also affect your appearance and make it difficult to eat and talk normally. Fortunately, our prosthodontists can perform corrective surgery to resolve bite problems.

If you have concerns about your smile or bite, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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