What Makes A Good Candidate For Orthodontic Treatment?

ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT ISN’T JUST FOR KIDS AND TEENAGERS. It can be used to improve the smiles of adults as well. Regardless of your age, you may have questions about whether or not you’re a good candidate for orthodontic treatment, or, if you’re already an orthodontic patient with Dental Partners Of Boston, you may need a reminder of why you’re doing it. Well, let us help.

Do you want to…

Improve The Look Of Your Smile

Your smile is perhaps your most noticeable feature. Orthodontic treatment can help correct crooked teeth, spaces, and positioning of teeth. If you’re happy with your smile, you’ll be more likely to show it off—and that can help boost your self confidence!

Have Better Oral Hygiene

Food debris and plaque tend to build up more between crooked teeth. Straight, properly aligned teeth are easier to brush and floss. The more thorough you can be while cleaning your teeth, the less likely you are to have problems with tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Protect Your Teeth

Crooked or misaligned teeth can also cause unnecessary wear and can lead to fractured, chipped, and damaged teeth. Orthodontic treatment can help you avoid these problems!

Avoid Health Problems

Your teeth and their position can affect your health. Malocclusions, or the imperfect positioning of teeth when the jaw is closed, can lead to other problems such as TMJ disorders and difficulty eating and speaking.

Let Us Know If You Have Questions

We want to help improve your smile and oral health. If you have questions about braces, Invisalign treatment, or other concerns regarding adult orthodontics, feel free to call us, or get in touch with us on our Facebook page. We’d love to hear from you!

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