Tips For Maintaining Good Oral Health During Pregnancy

Pregnant woman brush her teeth in front of a mirror.
Mother to be being careful with oral hygiene during pregnancy

AT DENTAL PARTNERS OF BOSTON we know that oral health is an important component of general health. For that reason, we encourage expecting mothers to take special care of their dental health during pregnancy—for their sake and their child’s.

Taking care of dental health during pregnancy is crucial for several reasons:

  • Hormonal Changes: Pregnancy hormones can affect the way your body responds to plaque, increasing the risk of gum disease. Gum disease, if left untreated, can lead to more serious dental problems such as tooth decay and tooth loss.
  • Gum Disease and Preterm Birth: Some studies suggest a link between gum disease and preterm birth or low birth weight. While the exact mechanism is not fully understood, it’s believed that the bacteria associated with gum disease can enter the bloodstream and trigger inflammatory responses that may induce premature labor.
  • Morning Sickness: Pregnant women often experience morning sickness, which can lead to increased acidity in the mouth due to vomiting. This acidity can erode tooth enamel and contribute to tooth decay.
  • Nutritional Needs: Maintaining good dental health is important for overall health, including the health of the developing baby. Poor dental health can affect a mother’s ability to eat a balanced diet, which is essential for both her and the baby’s health.
  • Potential Complications: Dental problems during pregnancy, such as tooth decay or gum disease, can lead to discomfort and pain for the mother. Moreover, if dental issues are left untreated, they can escalate into more serious problems that may require invasive procedures, which could pose risks to the developing fetus.

To mitigate these risks, pregnant women are advised to maintain good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, as well as visiting their dentist for routine check-ups and cleanings. Additionally, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet and manage morning sickness effectively to minimize the impact on dental health.

Maintain Good Oral Health During Pregnancy

Here are some good practices for pregnant women to follow to help maintain dental health:

  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups with your DPB dentist, ideally before becoming pregnant or as soon as you know you’re pregnant. Routine dental visits can help address any existing issues and prevent potential problems from developing.
  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Also, don’t forget to floss daily to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth and along the gumline.
  • Choose Pregnancy-Safe Dental Products: Ensure that the toothpaste, mouthwash, and other dental products you use are safe for pregnancy. Look for products that are fluoride-containing and free from potentially harmful ingredients like alcohol or excessive additives.
  • Eat a Balanced Diet: Consume a nutritious and balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin C, which are essential for dental health. Limit sugary snacks and beverages, as they can contribute to tooth decay.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day, as it helps wash away food particles and bacteria from your mouth. Swishing water around your mouth after eating can also help neutralize acids and reduce the risk of tooth decay.
  • Manage Morning Sickness: If you experience morning sickness and vomiting, rinse your mouth with water or a fluoride mouthwash afterward to help neutralize acids and minimize their damaging effects on your teeth. Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after vomiting, as the abrasive action of brushing can further erode tooth enamel weakened by stomach acids.
  • Use Sugar-Free Gum or Mints: Chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free mints can stimulate saliva production, which helps neutralize acids and remineralize tooth enamel. Look for products containing xylitol, a sugar substitute that has been shown to have dental benefits.
  • Address Dental Issues Promptly: If you experience any dental problems during pregnancy, such as tooth pain, bleeding gums, or swelling, don’t ignore them. Contact your dentist as soon as possible to address the issue and prevent it from worsening.

By following these practices, pregnant women can help maintain their dental health and reduce the risk of dental problems during pregnancy.

See Us After Delivery

Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes that can affect your oral health. After your child is born, call us to set up an appointment. We want to make sure that your smile is healthy.

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