Coffee Can Stain Your Teeth – Learn What You Can Do

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A STUDY DONE by the American Journal of Epidemiology concluded that drinking coffee may reduce the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer. While this is good news for your oral health, coffee can still pose a threat to your smile.

To help you protect your teeth from decay and staining, your team at Dental Partners of Boston has compiled the following lists of coffee-drinking tips.

To Lessen The Damaging Effects of Coffee…

  • Don’t sip coffee throughout the day. This limits the amount of time your teeth are exposed to harmful sugars. Going easy on cream and sugar can also help.
  • Try eating fruit or plain yogurt, not a sugary donut or pastry, with your coffee.
  • Rinse your mouth with water after breakfast and morning coffee.
  • According to the American Dental Association, brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste no less than 60 minutes after eating (or drinking coffee) to allow your saliva to naturally clean your teeth and return your pH level to normal.

To Help Prevent/Deal With Staining…

  • Limit the amount of time coffee touches your teeth. Drink with a straw and don’t swish the hot liquid around in your mouth.
  • Try coffee made from Arabica beans which are supposed to stain less.
  • Don’t skip your regular dental visits! Polishing your teeth can help with stains.
  • Talk to us about our teeth whitening treatment.

We know many people can’t start their day without a cup of jo. Just keep your smile in mind as you’re drinking. If you have any questions about coffee and its effects on your oral health, feel free to call us.

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