How To Stop Bleeding Gums

Young woman in a dental chair smiling with healthy teeth.
Are your gums bleeding? Call us for an exam so we can stop gum disease early.

If you brush your teeth and notice blood in the sink or on the toothbrush, you probably assume it’s normal. You may think that your gums have been simply agitated by your brushing. This may be the case, but if bleeding gums happens frequently, your gums may not be as healthy as you think.

What Causes Bleeding Gums?

The presence of bacteria in a person’s mouth can cause their gums to start bleeding. This bacteria feeds on food and sugar residue leftover in your mouth after eating. The bacteria’s waste left behind causes inflammation in the gums. When your gums are constantly irritated in this way, your immune system tries to fight the invading bacterial infection.

A continuous cycle of this process leads to sustained inflammation and damage to the tissue of your gums themselves. Over time, in addition to bleeding gums, you will notice plaque and tartar build-up on your teeth at the gum line. Tartar is when plaque hardens into a yellow or brown substance that requires professional cleaning to remove.

Come For A Dental Checkup

If your gums bleed frequently, the first thing to do is to contact Dental Partners of Boston for an exam. We’ll take a look at the health of your gums and take x-rays of your mouth. By making regular dental check-ups a priority, we can catch any concerns early and recommend necessary treatment, starting with a cleaning. We can also discuss ways to add to or change your oral hygiene habits to help fight off bacteria.

Fight Bleeding Gums and Gum Disease At Home

In your daily routine, you’ll need to keep up with the plan you and your dentist put together. You may need to change your brushing technique, and use a soft-bristled brush to ensure you’re not damaging sensitive gum tissue.

Use a circular motion to brush your teeth and a pea-sized blob of toothpaste on your brush. Bacteria lurks in all areas of the mouth. In addition to brushing your teeth include your tongue, the roof of your mouth, and the insides of your cheeks. Follow up with an anti-cavity mouthwash.

Reduce how much and how often you expose your teeth to harmful foods like sugar and soda. Bacteria flourishes on the sweet residue left behind on your teeth.

Schedule An Appointment Today!

Dental Partners of Boston is an experienced dental group with a talented team of doctors with a variety of specialties. We will help you fight gum disease and stop bleeding gums. Schedule an appointment with us today.

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