How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Senior man smiling with natural looking dental crowns.
Dental crowns are built with the strength to last a lifetime.

Dental crowns are an effective restorative treatment for teeth that have been damaged or worn down as a result of an injury, dental decay, or infection. If you have a dental crown, it’s important to look after it well to prolong its lifespan and maintain high standards of oral health. Here’s a useful guide to provide you with information about how long crowns last and some simple tips to help you care for your crown.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns are built to last, and they usually boast a life expectancy of around 15 years. If you have a crown, it’s natural to want it to last for as long as possible. If you take good care of your crown, you could extend its life by 10-15 years.

There are several factors that can impact the strength and condition of the crown, including general wear and tear and oral hygiene habits. If your teeth are exposed to a high level of wear on a regular basis, you may find that your crown doesn’t last as long. When you get a crown your dentist provides you with advice and information. Your dentist will also check your crowns and any other restorations when you have routine examinations.

How Can I Make My Dental Crowns Last Longer?

If you want to keep your dental crowns in tip-top condition for as long as possible, here are some simple steps you can take.

  • Avoid grinding your teeth and seek advice if you clench your teeth during the night: Tooth grinding is often a subconscious action, but it can be damaging to your teeth and your crowns. If you grind your teeth during the night, your dentist may recommend wearing a bite guard. A bite guard will prevent direct contact between the upper and lower arches of your teeth while you sleep.
  • Take good care of your teeth and gums: make sure you devote two minutes every morning and evening to brushing your teeth, and floss daily.
  • Take care with hard foods: try and avoid hard foods, don’t chew ice, and avoid biting your nails. This will help to protect your crowns and your natural teeth.
  • Keep up to date with dental visits: make sure you visit Dental Partners of Boston every 6-12 months. Your dentist will take a good look at your crowns every time you have a check-up. It’s also beneficial to have your teeth professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist once a year.

Do Dental Crowns Need To Be Replaced?

Dental crowns may last for many years, but they’re not immune to damage and wear. If the crown is badly cracked or chipped, it’s best to replace it to lower the risk of decay and prevent further damage. If you have concerns about your dental crowns in Boston, we can help. We will examine your mouth and check for red flag signs. If your crown is in need of attention, we’ll discuss our findings with you in detail.

If you have dental crowns in Boston, there are several ways you can protect your crowns and increase their life expectancy. Looking after your crowns could give you up to 15 years beyond the average lifespan.

Schedule An Appointment Today

If you need a dental crown or have a crown that needs to be repaired then schedule an appointment with Dental Partners of Boston. Our team of dentists looks forward to meeting with you and helping to improve your smile.

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