Botox? At the Dentist?

Man holding his jaw because of TMJ pain.
Did you know that we can help you with your TMJ pain? Call us today.

Most people do not think of Botox as a dental procedure, but in fact, it can be a good solution for pain at the temporomandibular joint, also known as TMJ pain, as well as other facial conditions.

What Is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder occurs when there is a problem with the joint that controls the jaw. This condition can cause serious problems, including pain in the jaw and face, tension headaches, and even lockjaw. It is important to get treatment for TMJ disorders to prevent them from getting worse and interfering with daily life.

How Does Botox Treat TMJ Pain?

Botox is short for Botulinum Toxin. It is a natural substance that causes weakness or paralysis of the muscles. When used for cosmetic reasons, small doses prevent the facial muscles from contracting in a way that causes wrinkles. When treating TMJ pain, Botox works by easing the tension in the jaw by immobilizing the muscles that control it.

Why Is Botox Such an Effective Treatment for TMJ Pain?

TMJ disorders are typically caused by the joint being overworked. For example, if you chew a lot of gum or unconsciously grind your teeth. Other treatments that work on changing these habits can be difficult to stick to. Botox is an easy and safe treatment that works to immobilize the overworked muscles of the jaw even while you are sleeping. Nocturnal teeth grinding is a problem for many of our TMJ patients, so we are very pleased to be able to offer this treatment option.

Can Botox Ease Tension Headaches?

Tension headaches arise from muscles contracting in some part of the face. The source of the tension is often around the jaw. Using Botox to treat TMJ pain can get rid of this tension and lead to relief from your regular tension headaches. If you struggle with regular headaches, schedule an appointment to find out if Botox or another dental treatment could provide relief.

Does Botox Have Other Dental Use?

Botox has a number of other dental uses, including blocking nerve pain in the mouth and face. We even use it for cosmetic dentistry such as adjusting lip movement to reshape and balance the appearance of a smile.

Is Botox at the Dentist Safe?

Yes! We are well qualified to give Botox treatments. Most patients experience either no side effects or only mild effects that soon go away. If you would like to find out how dental Botox could help you, schedule an appointment today!

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